Plasma and Debye Shielding

Plasma Generally, we know three different states of matter i.e. solid, liquid and gas. But there is another fourth states of matter called plasma. Plasma is formed when the third state of matter i.e. gas is ionized by applying some energy(Heat energy at high temperature or electromagnetic field) to it. Every ionized gas will not be the plasma. To become a plasma, ionized gas must obey the two properties, They are quasi neutrality behavior and the collective behavior. If the plasma density is very high it can block radiations like x-ray, Gamma ray etc. Quasi neutrality behavior: When the number of the positive charge density (ions) is equal to the negative charge density (electrons) then that behavior is called the Quasi neutrality behavior. Positive charge density (ions)is denoted by n i and the negative charge density (electrons ) is denoted by n e . Collective behavior: Collective behavior in plasma means, each charge particle in plasma interact wit...